Tuesday 23 December 2014

Mumbo Jumbo

Mumbo Jumbo.

Back in a Jiffy.

In helping give this Blog a sort of Political standing to it all, and if not that said Physical too, is to now in all even speak, and of what does constitute for 'Mumbo Jumbo', and as said Philosophy or truly in all even, Inclination too that is. That the very World of 'Mumbo Jumbo', is not what it appears to be, for most in all, do in all equate it, and with speak of the nonsensical, and if not nonsense in itself too, when it was aptly and previously mentioned that, 'Mumbo Jumbo', does actually speak of the unbelievable, and of the believable too that is.

That this in all, might not sound coherent to most, and unless perceived from a Political Stance in all again. That this in all again, does actually speak of Politically said consequences, ramifications in all, and if not speak too of repercussions, and in speak too now, and of the very manner or way, and that societies in all, do evolve by that is. That in speak now of the Fear Instinct, and of the desire, need or want to Survive too, Survival, and of an Innate (Persona) fear of Death in itself, we now do see societies all over the World, now evolving, and in speak too of strict adherence in itself, and as referring and to speak of Leadership too that is [it in all even now associated, and with many a Religious Cult, a reputable Family, an old/ancient Order, of the Believer and the Witness too, etc.]. That Leadership now, is simply called upon, to prove its mettle, and in helping keep society alive, and if not afloat, and in speak too of managerial expertise for instance.

In Africa though, things in all one might say, are not what they appear to be. For in Africa, any talk of Leadership, now does in all even enter, the very World of 'Mumbo Jumbo' that is, and as African Leadership, is not always what it appears to be [and in Concept or Organization that is]. In understanding all this better, perhaps now is to point out, the very manner or way, and that those in Africa in all, do very much perceive their Bodies, and away from speak of the Warrior Archetype that is. That in speak of the World outside Africa, Leadership now, intimately connected, and to the Warrior Archetype, but in Africa, different means or modes, and of thinking in all, and of Africa in itself that is. For the Warrior, believed someone said African too, is not truly as such in all, in that, problem solving in Africa, Political too, and in speak too of the rise of Civilization in Africa, Egyptian, now does in all even speak of associating the Body in itself, and with speak of the Psychic too that is [that for the Egyptians in all, the Body is no longer truly said Physical, but in all ways even, said Psychic, but in speak now of Egypt and as referred to as 'Egypts land', Political problem solving in Egypt, now simply said, and to speak of the Psychic too that is]. 

It is here now, and in Egypt, and whereby, Myth does arise, and as with regards to speak even, and of Civilization, and of its birth, and outside Egypt too that is. That in all, we now do see Myth unfold in itself, and from speak too of Egypt, and as many a society outside Egypt/Africa in all, now does suffer in its ways, but as said thriving too, and in speak of Egypt too, and where in all again, one does see Myth in all, and as said Templar too, now playing a role and in helping redefine Civilization, outside Egypt, and in speak too of the Psychic that is.

Africa though, is actually said a different place, and from Egypt that is. For it is in Africa, and whereby Reality in all, does actually truly meet 'Mumbo Jumbo', and in speak too, and of the very term Condescension perhaps. In attempting to make this all too clear, Condescension and Africa, is to now in all even equate Evil in itself, and with Egyptian Civilization that is. For Civilization, and that said African too, does differ in its ways in Africa, in that, what we do call 'Mumbo Jumbo' here, does in all even go along, and with Political problem-solving, and that now does speak even of Aliens, and of Reptilian Blood lines too that is.

Mumbo Jumbo.

Aliens, or speak too of rather highly Intelligent Reptilian beings in all, now does in all even refer, and to what does stand for Chaos in Africa in all again, and as perhaps best associated, and with the term Condescension too that is. That Chaos in Africa, is believed only truly capable of being handled or solved in all, and not by speak of the Psychic truly, but of the Alien, and in pre-monition too, and if not speak in all again, and of Reptilian beings, and as believed in all even, said rather cultured in their ways too that is.

For speak of the Reptilian, does in all even speak of the Music Tradition, and as said truly surpassing that said Mozart, while of the Alien, does in all even it is believed, and to speak of Art, and of Life, and as said truly Imitating it all that is. For in all again, while speak of the Alien, does speak of Africa outside Egypt in all, speak in all again and of the Reptilian, is believed said in all, and to now speak of Kenya that is [and surprisingly enough too, for Africa is believed to house more Reptiles to it, and than speak of Kenya in all again, and which is a place and that does in all even speak of Meteors and Africa it is believed here (Link)].