Tuesday 23 December 2014



The previous post, did in all mention that, shortly, I would be making a follow-up post, and on what does stand for Africana that is. For Africana, is something said to truly exist, and in speak of life, African, and as seen/found in all again, and outside speak of Egypt that is. For the Egyptians in all, did never engage in Africana, but in all, sought to live out life truly, and in speak too of ISIS that is. ISIS, and as here in all even referring and to the very Moods/Presences in all, and to be seen in 'The One Thousand and One Nights' but that it in all ways even, it does all refer, and to an alternate said existence in all, and to that which does speak of Africana that is. More in all though, might be said of ISIS, but who in all again does truly know of these/such things that is.