Monday 22 December 2014



What in all, does the term, Africana, truly refer to? For it in all, does appear a word/term Grandiose and if not Magnificent in its saying, but disappointment too in all, and as now following suit, and in speak of it all, and as often used in all again, and to speak only of so termed Black/African Achievement that is. For this is not truly wrong, and in doing, proclaiming the achievements of many a Black or African that is, and in speak too of Africana in spirit, in that, Africana in all now, is said here not a Political term in all, but one truly magnificently Cultural that is. For the only known counterpart in the World, and in speak of Cultural Magnificence in all, is believed said to speak even and of the term Americana, and if not Europa either, and in the very belief that, Africana, and in speak of Myth, Campbellian too (Link) - 'Follow your bliss', is believed said truly, the greatest of them all that is.

For what is Africana though? It in all and first off, is believed said in all again, and to speak of African culture, and as said truly Generic, and as said in all even and to refer and to the cultures of Lesotho, Swaziland and even Botswana too. For these cultures are often believed said even, primitive in their ways/manners in all, and when in reality, they are believed steeped in all, and in speak too of many a rather intelligent/interesting/deep Design, or speak too of the 'Rhythms of life', or speak in all again, and of Harmonious relations in all, and as said to truly surpass, those seen in the rest of of Africa, and if not the rest of the World and as a whole too that is [that this in all again, knowing oneself and as the people of Lesotho, Swaziland or Botswana do somewhat do, does in all even lead to many a psychological issue/matter it is believed, and as with regards here, and to basic speak, and of the Appropriate and Inappropriate too, and in speak now, and of culture and said Global, Worldly, International, Regional, National, Local etc. too that is][that the cultures of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland in all, do in all even speak of Preferences, and in speak truly only perhaps, and of the San/Bushmen people of Southern Africa that is].

The above though, or this though too, does not truly speak of Africana, and as most do know the term to mean, for it in all again, is often said Politicized in all, and when in reality, it is a term best believed and to best speak of African Festive life, and its best that is [and in speak too of an African Band, and as said too Magic System that is][Link].

The above two definitions of Africana though, cannot be said to be Mutually Exclusive, but that in all again, there does exist another definition of Africana, and as believed said Politicized and by the Western World in all, and in speak too of the phrase 'Mumbo Jumbo' that is. That Africana, and its very best, is simply said 'Mumbo Jumbo' too in itself, but in speak too now, and of the Unbelievable and as said happening that is. 

Does though, the Unbelievable truly exist? And whether it be said, an UFO sighting, or finding Money, and in a Suitcase / Box somewhere lying on a bench, or speak in all again, and of 'the Girl of ones Dreams', and of her Bushman Lover too that is?

Mumbo Jumbo.

In many a way too though, this Blog, can be said to have a culminating effect, and of my past known Blogging activity that is. For this Blog in all, does truly speak of me, I, or of myself truly too, and as I am, and without too many a pretension in all, and to go with it all that is. That this in all again, does speak of an interesting post I did make on another Blog and of my doing (Link), and a Post too, and that does in all even explain, why I do engage in all this Blogging and of my doing that is.

Mumbo Jumbo, and speak too of the most Unbelievable of life's experiences, and as said in all even truly around the Corner, and in speak too perhaps, of a comment said here and there, of a Blog and its Contents simply blogged in, and with no expectations of either of them, and if not neither of them either, but that in all ways even, and of a wish made in ones head, and speak now, and of the Whole World, simply pointing fingers, knocking on Doors, asking many a question, truly pondering, and of what not to expect of life, and as with it all even said Impasse that is [French too, and for, 'Time will tell' in all].

In finality though, speak now and of Africana, and as referring and to a manner or way, and that does in all even speak of criticizing Africans in all, and in their building African Civilization too, and without taking into consideration, or making any references in all, and to speak of Legacy that is. That Legacy, and in speak too of any form of Philosophy known to exist to Man, is truly said African, and something in all again, and that has now come in all, and to be associated, and with speak of Slaves too, and as having made their mark, and on society too that is [that the Slave, does in all even triumph over the African so to speak, and in speak of History, and as said recorded and in the very form of the Legacy that is]. This though, the fore-said in all, is actually not true, for Legacy and Africa, is something believed said to speak and of the African, and as not in all seeing himself, and as everybody else does, in that, speak of Africana now, does in all even equate it, and with the best of Times too, and in speech, and if not 'figures of Speech' teither that is, and speak in all again, and of whom/who in all the African truly was/is said to be, and upon coming across, or meeting truly, any of the Pharaohs of olden Egypt that is: he said in all, the African, and to simply speak of the best of Times that is.

More to come though, and in my attempting here, and in truly detailing Africana that is; so do in all, stick around for the ride, and as with it in all even believed said, probably in all best said Unbelievable that is...........